I have been known to complain about my job. I don’t like the negativity of that fact, but it is, empirically, low paying, highly stressful, and, sometimes, uninteresting (or interesting to someone, just not me). But then there are days like these. Days when I get to hike around ostensibly “mapping invasive plant species” in the brilliant sunshine. Sure, I got stuck in a poison oak thicket, sure, I’m getting a farmer’s tan, and, sure, I slipped and fell on my (metal) clipboard, but who cares when it’s this freaking nice out. Please ignore the invasive trees encroaching on coastal scrub habitat.
p.s. I realize having my toes in this picture looks a bit ridiculous. Seemed like a good idea at the time.p.p.s. If you squint you can see Mt. Diablo. For those of you unfamiliar with the territory, I grew up just south (to the right in this picture) of that mountain.
Cool picture. Take care with that poison oak.
you boots have crampon welts on them, no?
why, yes, they do, my observant friend. they were on sale, and they're hefty enough to keep me from breaking an ankle on slippy slopes, thick soled enough to last a few seasons, and, yes, covered in poison oak.
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